Elastic and inelastic particles scattering by dust acoustic soliton. A new oscillatory process in dusty plasma

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dc.contributor.author Trukhachev, F. M.
dc.contributor.author Gerasimenko, N. V.
dc.contributor.author Vasiliev, M. M.
dc.contributor.author Petrov, O. F.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-29T07:21:04Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-29T07:21:04Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Trukhachev, F. M. Elastic and inelastic particles scattering by dust acoustic soliton. A new oscillatory process in dusty plasma / F. M.Trukhachev [etc.] // New Journal of Physics. – 2021. - № 23 (9). – Р. 093016. https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/ac20ba ru_RU
dc.identifier.uri http://e.biblio.bru.by/handle/1212121212/19696
dc.description.abstract The parameters of scattering (reflection) of charged particles by the leading edge of a dust acoustic soliton are analyzed. The soliton profile is calculated using the Sagdeev pseudopotential approach. To analyze the motion of charged particles, the Newton’s second law is used. It is shown theoretically that the charged particle scattering can be elastic and inelastic. The nature of scattering significantly depends on the presence of dissipation. In the dissipative case, charged particles scattering is the process of an oscillatory nature. It is shown that it can be considered as a new type of oscillations of charged particles in plasma. The parameters of the oscillations are calculated both numerically (nonlinear case) and analytically (within the linear approximation). Theoretical results are compared with known experimental results, as well as the applied aspect is stated. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.publisher New Journal of Physics ru_RU
dc.subject soliton ru_RU
dc.subject particle scattering ru_RU
dc.subject wave–particle interaction ru_RU
dc.subject charged particles oscillation ru_RU
dc.subject Публикации кафедры "Физические методы контроля" ru_RU
dc.title Elastic and inelastic particles scattering by dust acoustic soliton. A new oscillatory process in dusty plasma ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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