Soliton-induced electric currents in plasma

Показать сокращенную информацию Trukhachev, F. M. Tomov, A. V. 2024-02-08T07:20:46Z 2024-02-08T07:20:46Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Trukhachev, F. M. Soliton-induced electric currents in plasma / F. M. Trukhachev, A. V. Tomov // Cosmic Research. -2016. - Vol. 54. -No. 5. - P. 351–357. DOI:10.1134/S0010952516050075 ru_RU
dc.description.abstract This is a theoretical study of the nonequilibrium motion of charged particles in an electric field of solitons. We show that the self-consistent electric field of ion-acoustic and electron-acoustic solitons is characterized by one-way transfer of charged particles at a distance of several Debye radii. The dependence of relevant local currents on the amplitude of solitons is determined. We consider the practically important case of a moving cascade consisting of many solitons and show that the induced currents have a significant constant component. The kinetic energy acquired by charged particles in the soliton field is calculated. The temporal resolution required for the recording of soliton-induced currents is estimated. The calculations presented here can be used to interpret the results of experiments conducted to study solitons in the space plasma. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.subject Публикации кафедры "Программное обеспечение информационных технологий" ru_RU
dc.title Soliton-induced electric currents in plasma ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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