Application of Computer Vision Technologies to Reduce Injuries in the Athletes’ Training

Show simple item record Borisov, V. V. Misnik, A. E. Velkov, A. A. Shalukhova, M. A. Мисник, А. Е. Шалухова, М. А. 2024-09-16T08:18:59Z 2024-09-16T08:18:59Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Application of Computer Vision Technologies to Reduce Injuries in the Athletes’ Training / V. V. Borisov [et al.] // Proceedings of the seventh international scientific conference “Intelligent information technologies for industry" : Conference proceedings, St. Petersburg, 25–30 september 2023. - Volume 777(2). - St. Petersburg, 2023. - P. 137-145. DOI: https:10.1007/978-3-031-43792-2_14 ru_RU
dc.description.abstract Computer vision technologies can be used to track the movements of an athlete while performing diagnostic or training exercises.Through the analysis of this data, coaches and medical professionals can identify potential problems in athletes’ movements, such as in correct movements, overloads, and imbalances. This allows to capture deviations in the athlete’s musculoskeletal system, develop individual training plans, and adjust technique to prevent injury and improve performance. Computer vision can be used to monitor the condition of athletes in real-time. Such systems can detect fatigue and stress in athletes and alert coaches and medical staff on possible problems. At this stage, the development of computer vision technologies for diagnosing athletes and preventing injuries should not replace professional medical care and consultation with specialists. It is a tool that can help coaches and medical staff make better-informed decisions and improve athlete performance. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.subject computer vision ru_RU
dc.subject musculoskeletal system ru_RU
dc.subject athletes ru_RU
dc.subject diagnosis ru_RU
dc.subject Публикации кафедры "Программное обеспечение информационных технологий" ru_RU
dc.title Application of Computer Vision Technologies to Reduce Injuries in the Athletes’ Training ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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