Автоматизированная система управления эффективностью работы инструментального участка по упрочнению инструментов в тлеющем разряде

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dc.contributor.author Логвин, В. А.
dc.contributor.author Карлова, Т. В.
dc.contributor.author Logvin, V. A.
dc.contributor.author Karlova, T. V.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-02-22T09:22:25Z
dc.date.available 2022-02-22T09:22:25Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Логвин, В. А. Автоматизированная система управления эффективностью работы инструментального участка по упрочнению инструментов в тлеющем разряде / В. А. Логвин, Т. В. Карлова // Вестник Брянского государственного технического университета. - 2021. - № 1 (98). - С. 19-27. DOI: 10.30987/1999-8775-2021-1-19-27 ru_RU
dc.identifier.uri http://e.biblio.bru.by/handle/1212121212/19059
dc.description.abstract Рассматриваются вопросы повышения эффективности и качества управления разработанными технологическими процессами на основе контроля и оценки параметров качества этапов обработки инструментов различной конфигурации в плазмогенераторе тлеющего разряда. Разработанный алгоритм моделирования при создании автоматизированной системы контроля и управления эффективностью и качеством работы инструментального участка по упрочнению широкой номенклатуры инструментов различной конфигурации в плазмогенераторах тлеющего разряда с этапами, отличающимися по характеру воздействия плазмы, продолжительности и очерёдности их реализации позволил оптимизировать оснащение инструментального участка. The work purpose consists in the increase of effectiveness and quality in the engineering process control of the tool house ensuring strengthening a wide range of different tools and tool materials in plasma-generators of a glow discharge. Investigation methods. The application of computer systems is for the simulation of real production object operation with the purpose of quality and effectiveness increase in these objects control as a method of investigations consisting in operation computer imitation of a tool house equipped with plasma-generators of a glow discharge both at separate stages of processing and in the course of the whole industrial process. It will allow developing an optimum system of quality control of engineering processes for processing a wide range of tools with different profiles and tool materials in plasma-generators of a glow discharge. The essence of a modeling method consists in the development of such algorithms and programs which imitate the behavior of the tool house equipped with plasma-generators of a glow discharge its properties necessary for investigations, amount and field of technological parameter changes Investigation results. Plasma formed in consequence of explosive emission has in its structure the whole essential spectrum of ions for the formation of specified physical-mechanical properties on working surfaces of tools under strengthening. It contributes to the formation of the essential structure of bombarding ion flow with the wide range of frequencies and energy. The state and value of the layer strengthened located under an oxide film and formed at the stage of previous working operations at manufacturing tools and their working parts. This layer is characterized with the increased density of dislocations in depth and microcrack presence not only within grains but between them. The uniformity of force impact depending upon current strength stability in a discharge and voltage upon electrodes in the plasma-generator is to be adjusted at constant pressure by the rate of technological environment pumping through a plasma-generator. Conclusions. The application of some quickly reset plasma-generators in tool production ensures work effectiveness increase of the tool house at the expense of optimization of tool machining in different engineering processes and with different time duration carrying out pre-production operations in the course of the plasma-generators operation and carrying out their charging from the automated area of waiting. The simulation algorithm developed at the formation of the automated system for control and management of effectiveness and quality in tool house work in different tool strengthening in plasma-generators of a glow discharge with stages different in character of plasma impact, duration and sequence of their realization allowed optimizing tool house equipment. The development of the automated system for control and management of effectiveness and quality of the working operation of plasma-generators of a glow discharge allowed optimizing the formation of the stage sequence with quick-acting processes during processing tools with different shape ensuring the formation of specified properties in neighboring layers which meets the requirements of automated technological environment. ru_RU
dc.language.iso ru ru_RU
dc.subject эффективность ru_RU
dc.subject качество ru_RU
dc.subject технологический процесс ru_RU
dc.subject управление ru_RU
dc.subject плазмогенератор ru_RU
dc.subject тлеющий разряд ru_RU
dc.subject автоматизированная технологическая среда ru_RU
dc.subject effectiveness ru_RU
dc.subject quality ru_RU
dc.subject engineering process ru_RU
dc.subject control ru_RU
dc.subject plasma-generator ru_RU
dc.subject glowing discharge ru_RU
dc.subject automated technological environment ru_RU
dc.subject Публикации кафедры "Металлорежущие станки и инструменты" ru_RU
dc.title Автоматизированная система управления эффективностью работы инструментального участка по упрочнению инструментов в тлеющем разряде ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Automated effectiveness control system of tool house for tool strengthening in glow discharge ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU
dc.identifier.udc 621.77.016:62178.061

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